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    What Can Texas Churches Learn About Insurance Coverage From Gateway?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Jun 24, 2024 1:47:18 PM
    Ron Wadley

    The local news here in Dallas-Fort Worth over the last week has had lead stories about the scandal that has overtaken Gateway Church in Southlake. The purpose of this article is in no way to cast aspersion at anyone involved in this scenario. Instead, we simply want to use a clearly relevant current story to help your church understand where insurance can play a part in your church response into an unthinkable scenario that no one wants to see or experience.

    To summarize what has occurred over the last two weeks specifically is that Robert Morris was accused of sexual abuse of a minor from several decades ago. Unfortunately, it appears that the accusations are true and he has resigned his role as the senior pastor at Gateway. What is more unfortunate is that this scenario has been handled poorly from a church administration standpoint.

    Before we tackle the topic of how insurance coverage can help a church to respond to an event such as this, we would like to reinforce the need for a solid HR solution that can help a church navigate these highly sensitive situations with an outside perspective that is focused on resolution and following any applicable laws to mitigate liability. This is why Insurance For Texans partners with an outside HR Company that we provide free of charge to our clients. We want them to have all of the tools possible at their disposal no matter how big or small they may be.

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    Importance of Comprehensive Insurance for Texas Churches

    We know that the community at Gateway church has been devastated by the news over the last week. There are many aspects to consider from a leadership standpoint. The feeling of betrayal was evident in interviews of church members, there is worry about the reputation, and of course the financial repercussions from the perception of the church response can be drastic. 

    Churches, like any other organization, face unique risks that can result in significant financial and reputational damage. Comprehensive insurance coverage can seem unnecessary when the bill is due. But when a crisis as publicized as this one occurs, the need for Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance, Professional Liability Insurance, and Abuse & Molestation Insurance is greatly magnified. With the right insurance policies, churches can protect themselves from a variety of potential threats, ensuring they can continue their mission even in the face of adversity. Let's highlight these three key types of church insurance coverage and how they play a role in a sexual abuse scandal.

    What Can Texas Churches Learn About Insurance Coverage From Gateway?

    Why Your Church Needs Directors & Officers Insurance

    Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance is designed to protect church leaders and board members from personal liability in the event of legal action related to their decisions and actions on behalf of the church. This insurance covers a range of scenarios, including negligence in escalating crisis situations, financial mismanagement claims, or decisions leading to significant financial loss. With D&O Insurance, church leaders can make decisions with the confidence that they are protected from personal financial ruin.

    Protecting Church Leaders from Legal Liability

    In the scandal at Gateway, there have  been questions raised about which elders knew what parts of the story and when they gained that knowledge. The statement that was released by the Elders claimed that they did not know that Pastor Morris had the inappropriate relationship with a minor. There has been information that has been presented that contradicts that claim. If that is the case, potentially the D&O coverage can help offset any financial liability that might be assigned to the church if the elders actually did have knowledge. This is only one reason that we recommend this coverage to all churches.

    The Necessity of Professional Liability Insurance for Churches

    Professional Liability Insurance, also known as Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance, is essential for churches that provide professional services such as counseling, education, and pastoral care. This insurance protects against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in these services. It can also cover any directly misleading information that is provided from the pulpit or over broadcasts of services. This provides a fantastic safety net for not only potential spiritual abuse that might occur, but also poor advice that might be given.

    Mitigating Risks in Church Provided Services Or Communications

    In light of recent revelations about the incident with Pastor Robert, there were misstatements that appeared to have been made from both the pulpit as well as digital communications like a podcast. During these moments, he claimed that his misdeeds were with a "young lady" rather than a minor which is a significant detail. This church insurance coverage can help with liability that can be assigned to the church from those misstatements.

    True Texas Church Insurance

    Why Abuse & Molestation Insurance is Critical for Churches

    Sexual misconduct is an unfortunate reality that too many churches have had to face. We often think that it will occur from a rogue volunteer, but the harsh reality is that it can come from any angle. Abuse & Molestation Insurance is a critical coverage for churches, given the potential risks and legal consequences of abuse and molestation claims. This insurance coverage provides financial protection for the church, covering legal defense costs, settlements, and support for victims. Unfortunately, incidents of abuse and molestation can and do happen within church environments, making this coverage indispensable.

    Safeguarding the Church Community

    While the incident in question in the Gateway story involved sexual misconduct from a long time ago, it is still a very raw subject. Since it occurred so far in the past at another church, this particular coverage would likely not apply. However, since there is now an ongoing investigation around claims, it is completely possible that additional allegations could be uncovered. None of us want to think about these atrocities happening in our congregations, but this serves as a stark reminder that proper planning should include background checks, safety training, AND insurance coverage to make sure that church's forward mission is not destroyed completely from a judgement or settlement.

    Working with Insurance for Texans to Secure Comprehensive Coverage

    Being a preacher's kid and long time member of a church close to Southlake gives me a resolute drive to make sure that churches are doing the work to protect themselves from what we are seeing play out right now. While there will always be questions about a church response to these sensitive topics, having an advocate on your side who understands the liability implications is important.

    Insurance for Texans specializes in helping Texas churches protect themselves with customized insurance plans and dedicated Human Resources help. Their expertise in church insurance allows you to acquire coverage which is tailored to the unique needs and risks of your Texas church. Working with our experienced church insurance agents allows your church to assess its risks and secure comprehensive coverage, including D&O Insurance, Professional Liability Insurance, and Abuse & Molestation Insurance.

    Click the button below to explore how TRUE Texas Church Insurance can help your church navigate crises and legal challenges. By partnering with Insurance for Texans, you can protect your church’s financial future and continue to serve your community with confidence.


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    Topics: professional liability, liability, D&O, Church Insurance