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    What Is At Risk With An Inexperienced Church Insurance Agent?

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Aug 14, 2024 2:31:24 PM
    Brad Hancock

    When it comes to protecting your church, having the right insurance coverage is non-negotiable. But what happens when the person guiding you through the process lacks the necessary experience? The problems with church insurance companies in Texas are well documented and felt by every church as they speed towards the renewal of their current insurance policy. Many have been shunned by their current commercial insurance agent for no reason other than they simply do not know where to go find alternative coverage options. This  has left many churches frustrated and more confused than before.

    Because of the lack of communication, pastors and church leaders have begun reaching out to any independent agent that will just pick up the phone or return a call. Oftentimes, the church doesn't know if they are talking to an experienced church insurance agent or not. They are simply glad to be talking to someone rather than being cut off from information. Unfortunately, the consequences of working with an inexperienced church insurance agent can be far-reaching, leaving your church exposed to risks that could have been easily avoided. Why would we say that?

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    The Perils of Inexperience

    Picture this: Your church has been serving the community for years, offering a place of worship, solace, and community support. As a responsible leader, you know the importance of protecting your congregation and your property with proper coverage. You got the non-renewal notice that so many churches in Texas have received, and you reach out to an insurance agent to help you secure the necessary church insurance policies.

    At first glance, the agent seems knowledgeable enough. They present you with a couple of options and assure you that your church will be well-covered. However, what you don't realize is that this agent, while perhaps well-intentioned, lacks the specific experience needed to navigate the complexities of church insurance. And that inexperience can lead to devastating consequences.

    Overlooking Important Coverage

    One of the most significant risks of working with an inexperienced insurance agent is the potential for overlooked coverage. Churches have unique needs that differ significantly from other types of organizations or businesses. From pastoral professional liability insurance coverage to financial protection for counseling services offered, the range of risks that churches face is vast and complex.

    An inexperienced agent might not be aware of the specific risks of mission trips or might underestimate the importance of protection for allegations of abuse and molestation in the event of legal claims being made. They might suggest a standard liability policy without considering the need for additional protections like employment practice liability insurance or workers compensation insurance. These oversights could leave your church vulnerable to claims that your basic policy coverage won’t offer. This is how you put your finances—and your reputation—at risk.

    What Is At Risk With An Inexperienced Church Insurance Agent?

    Misunderstanding Claims-Made Policies

    Churches often require specialized liability coverage, such as Directors & Officers (D&O) insurance, professional liability, or Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI), which are typically offered on a claims-made basis. Understanding the intricacies of claims-made policies, including retroactive dates and extended reporting periods, is important for ensuring continuous coverage.

    An inexperienced agent might fail to explain the importance of these elements or neglect to secure a retroactive date that matches your previous policy. As a result, your church could be left without coverage for incidents that occurred before the new policy’s start date, even if the claim is made during the current policy period. This coverage gap can lead to costly legal liability battles that could have been avoided with proper guidance from an experienced church insurance agent.

    Inadequate Risk Assessment

    Church property insurance has become incredibly problematic in Texas. Risk assessment is a critical component of securing the right property coverage for your church. An experienced agent will take the time to thoroughly assess your church’s unique risks, considering factors such as the size of your property, items like stained glass windows, and the activities that take place on your property. An inexperienced agent might not conduct a comprehensive risk assessment which can lead to inadequate coverage.

    If you have unique  property characteristics or specialized activities, the cost of church insurance can change drastically. But it can also lead to the need for higher limits on your general liability policy if your church frequently hosts large community events. Or they might not consider the importance of property coverage for valuable items like stained glass windows or musical instruments. With property deductibles increasing there is a real chance that you could end up never being able to claim. Without a proper assessment, your church could end up uninsured or underinsured, leaving you exposed to significant financial losses.

    True Texas Church Insurance

    The High Cost of Mistakes

    The unfortunate reality is that mistakes made by an inexperienced church insurance agent can be incredibly costly. Whether it’s a gap in coverage, an overlooked risk, or a misunderstanding of your church’s needs, the financial repercussions can be severe. And it’s not just about the money—your church’s reputation and ability to serve your community could also be at stake.

    For example, imagine a scenario where a child is injured during a church event, and your liability coverage is insufficient to cover the resulting lawsuit. Not only would your church face financial ruin, but your reputation within the community could also be irreparably damaged. This is why it’s so important to work with an experienced church insurance specialist who understands the complexities of your organization’s needs.

    The Solution: Partnering with an Experienced Church Insurance Specialist

    At Insurance For Texans, we understand the unique risks that churches face and the importance of having the right coverage in place. Our team of experienced church insurance specialists is dedicated to helping Texas churches protect their futures with customized insurance plans tailored to their specific needs through True Texas Church Insurance. It is our specialized program that asks you questions up front so that we do not have problems on the backend.

    Our independent insurance agents take the time to thoroughly assess your church’s risks and work with you to secure comprehensive coverage that protects against potential liabilities while minding your budget. Whether it’s ensuring continuous coverage with the right retroactive date or making sure you have adequate limits on your liability policy, we’re here to guide you through the process and provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing your church is protected.

    Click the button below to learn how Insurance For Texans can help your church navigate the complexities of insurance coverage and secure the protection you need.


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    Topics: liability, employment liability insurance, property, workers comp, Church Insurance