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    Top 5 Complaints About Church Insurance In Texas

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Oct 10, 2024 5:03:06 PM
    Brad Hancock

    Terry couldn't believe her eyes when the new insurance premium for her Waco church arrived. As the church’s administrator, she knew their budget was already tight, but this increase was alarming. The premium had skyrocketed far more than she expected, and now the church was facing tough budget choices. How could they afford this while still supporting vital programs and outreach efforts?

    Unfortunately, Terry’s situation is far from unique. Churches across Texas are facing similar struggles with their insurance, dealing with more than just rising costs. Our agents have heard a stream of complaints this year while talking to hundreds of churches. Let’s explore the top five complaints that Texas churches encounter when it comes to their insurance policies, and what they can do to overcome these issues.

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    Complaint #1 - Skyrocketing Premiums

    One of the most common complaints from Texas churches like Terry's is the dramatic increase in insurance premiums. Churches are seeing their premiums rise year over year, often with little to no explanation from their insurers. The reasons behind these hikes can vary, but they usually stem from a combination of rising claims due to storm damage, increased potential risks in certain areas, or shifts in how insurance companies underwrite policies. Unfortunately, these rising costs can severely impact a church's ability to operate, forcing leadership to choose between reducing ministry activities or paying for necessary insurance coverage.

    In Terry’s case, her Waco church was blindsided by the increase. Despite taking all the necessary steps to protect the church, they still faced a steep premium hike that strained their resources. And the options to change church insurance companies is limited with many no longer writing new policies in Texas. Many churches find themselves in similar situations, wondering how to continue providing vital services to their communities when insurance costs rise unpredictably.

    What can churches do?
    Work with an experienced independent insurance agent that specializes in church policies, like Insurance For Texans. They offer customized solutions to manage rising premium costs while looking across the insurance industry to find you the best policy possible.

    Top 5 Complaints About Church Insurance In Texas

    Complaint #2 - Limited Coverage Options

    Another significant issue Texas churches face is finding coverage that truly meets their unique needs. Most insurance policies are designed for regular commercial buildings, but churches operate differently and in different kinds of spaces. From hosting large-scale events to maintaining older buildings in hail prone areas, standard companies don't want to issue policies for churches. Other types of coverage often fail to address these specifics as well.

    Without coverage for special events, liability for church-run programs, or protection for aging properties, churches can find themselves underinsured and vulnerable to risks that are not covered by their existing policies. For example, churches frequently host events like fundraisers, community outreach programs, or youth camps—each with its own set of liabilities. If a church’s policy doesn’t account for these activities, they may be left exposed in the event of an accident or property damage.

    What can churches do?
    Look for insurers that ask a lot of questions about what your church is doing on a regular basis. True Texas Church Insurance is a process that is built around finding this information so that your church can have customized church coverage that addresses the specific risks your church faces.

    Complaint #3 - Complicated Claims Processes

    When a church faces a disaster—whether it’s damage from a severe storm, a fire, or a liability coverage claim from an accident—navigating the insurance claims process is often difficult. Many churches have told us that the claims process is overly complicated, with long delays and confusing paperwork. The last thing a church needs after an emergency is to get bogged down in insurance red tape.

    One thing that can help slow down the church insurance claims process is not understanding what information is relevant. In legal claims that involve liability insurance, the paperwork can be much more intense than hail damage claims. Understanding what information is required, how much additional costs come out of your church's pocket, and a reasonable timeline for repairs to be completed can help soothe a complicated catastrophic claim for your church.

    What can churches do?
    Terry partnered with an experienced church insurance agent that specializes in communicating efficiently. Working with an independent insurance agency that works with many churches can help you understand what to expect when seeking coverage for damage to your church.

    Complaint #4 - Unexpected Exclusions & Inadequate Coverage Limits

    Another major frustration for Texas churches is discovering that their policies either exclude coverage or provide limited coverage for critical risks after they have started the claims process. Texas churches face a variety of natural disasters, from hurricanes and tornadoes to flooding and convective storms with hail.

    Many church insurance policies exclude or limit coverage for these events, leaving churches vulnerable when the storm or water damage happens. The exclusion or limit may come as a shock, forcing the church to cover repair or replacement costs out of pocket. These hidden expenses beyond the cost of insurance are something that can be devastating for smaller congregations with limited budgets.

    What can churches do?
    Work with independent agents that clearly explains what is and isn’t covered in writing. Property coverage that offers comprehensive protection against the specific risks churches face in Texas isn't inexpensive, but worth it. The True Texas Church Insurance program focuses on making sure churches have the right coverage for their location, activities, and building structure—no hidden surprises.

    Complaint #5 - Insufficient Customer Support

    Over the last two years as significant changes have happened with church insurance providers, many churches in Texas didn't find the customer support needed to address their needs. Phone calls were ignored and emails not returned as church insurance packages have been non-renewed or cancelled.

    When working with extremely large general commercial insurance agencies, churches often don’t get the personalized service or expertise that would help them navigate the complexities of their policies. Especially smaller churches.  Churches and religious organizations are unique with different operations and risks than typical businesses, and some agencies fail to offer the necessary support.

    Without a partner who understands the intricacies of church operations, churches can end up with policies that don’t fully protect them, leaving them underinsured or without crucial coverages they need.

    What can churches do?
    Seek out experienced specialists who focus on churches and offer customized church insurance coverage and customer support. Insurance For Texans provides the expertise and personalized service needed to address the unique risks Texas churches face, offering peace of mind that their coverage is solid and their insurance partner understands their needs.

    True Texas Church Insurance

    How True Texas Church Insurance Can Help

    At Insurance For Texans, we understand the frustrations that come with church insurance whether you are a small church or one of the larger churches in a metro area. From skyrocketing premiums to limited coverage options, our True Texas Church Insurance program is designed to help individual churches overcome these common challenges with a customized solution.

    Our church insurance experts offer insurance protection that fits your church’s specific needs, simplify the claims process, and provide ongoing support to help your church remain protected throughout the year. Whether you're struggling with rising costs or need specialized coverage for your church’s unique risks, we’re here to help.

    Click the button below to solve these headaches and secure the right coverage for your church. Let us help you avoid the challenges Terry and countless other churches have faced and get the protection you need to continue serving your community without worry.


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    Topics: limits of coverage, property, Church Insurance, non-renewal