The Insurance for Texans Blog

The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight (Due to Great Coverage)

Written by Ron Wadley | Oct 5, 2022 1:32:42 AM




If you're a fan of the band R.E.M., then chances are you know the song "The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight" from the vaunted album, Automatic for the People.


You may think the song is actually about a type of snake called the sidewinder.




The Song Explained (or not)


The sidewinder is a species of snake that is native to the deserts of North America, Africa, and the Middle East. The name comes from the way the snake moves, which is by sideways undulations (kind of like Michael Stipe on stage when you think about it).


The movement allows the snake to move quickly over loose sand without sinking in.


The sidewinder is also known for its venom, which is a neurotoxin that can cause paralysis.


Venom is not usually fatal to humans, but it can be dangerous if not treated quickly.


Sounds a bit ominous, yes? The lyrics speak to the sidewinder sleeping in a coil, evoking images of what we know snakes to do.


Adding to the ambiguity, a sidewinder is also known as a certain old-fashioned style phone.

The kind with a long cord that you had to wrap around your finger to keep from tangling.


There are certain lyrics lending to the usage of a phone.


It can get confusing trying to interpret the song.


 R.E.M bassist Mike Mills stated, "It's about somebody that doesn't have a place to stay. Part of it is also about what man can do that machines can't. The rest of it – I don't have any idea what it's about. Half of the song is about somebody trying to get in touch with someone who can sleep on his floor. The other half - you're on your own."


And there you go.


Life uninterpreted. You never know what it is going to bring or what it will be about.


What Does This Have to do With Insurance?


While the song may not provide a clear meaning (and we kind of like that it doesn't), ambiguity should not exist when it comes to your insurance coverage.


You don't want ambiguity if you are facing the following:


  • Your home is destroyed in a fire and you're trying to figure out if your policy covers it
  • Your car is totaled in an accident and you need to know if your insurance will cover a new one
  • You're diagnosed with cancer and you want to be sure that your health insurance will cover treatment


In all of these cases, you want to be sure that you have the coverage you need and that there are no surprises. The last thing you want is to find out that your policy has a loophole that excludes the very thing you need it for.



As the song lyrics state:

The cat in the hat came back
Wrecked a lot of havoc on the way 
Always had a smile and a reason to pretend
But their world has flat backgrounds
And little need to sleep but to dream
The sidewinder sleeps on his back


When life wreaks havoc, it's important to have the right coverage in place so that you can sleep soundly at night, knowing your loved ones, your home, your belongings, and dare we say dreams are protected.


If you're not sure where to start, our team wants to help.


Contact Insurance for Texans and we'll be happy to answer any of your questions about home, auto, commercial, health, and life insurance. 


We believe in True Texas Insurance and want you to see the difference an independent insurance agency can provide. 


Sleep well tonight, Texas. 




Ron Wadley is an owner and General Solver of Problems for Insurance For Texans. Ron is a resident of North-East Tarrant County in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. He loves riding his many bikes and watching his Baylor Bears play football and basketball. Send him your insurance questions at