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Insurance For Texans Blog

All the Insurance Topics a Texan Could Want

    The Challenge Of Texas Daycare Facility Property Insurance

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Aug 28, 2024 3:08:24 PM
    Brad Hancock

    Being a business owner in Texas sometimes feels like Running With the Bulls in Pamplona. It has moments where it is an incredible rush. And then there are moments where the bull's horn gouges you right in the midsection. Whether or not you survive comes down to financial protections you put in place and how quickly you can escape out of harm's way. Running a daycare facility in Texas comes with more horns from more places than a rodeo in Bandera.

    The unique set of challenges facing daycare business owners today is mind boggling. On top of finding new families to replace old ones that left, staying compliant with all of the changes that come your way is overwhelming. And then the daycare insurance companies decided to make things harder for you. With the state's unpredictable weather and the rising costs of everything, finding affordable commercial property coverage is more difficult than ever. Nevermind the importance of it.

    Securing adequate commercial property insurance in Texas has been a challenge for all businesses. Especially if you are in the Dallas-Ft Worth or Houston metro areas. Since child care centers also come with unique liability coverage needs, the insurance carriers have tightened up how they operate. I'm sure you just want to know how you can get the types of coverage that you need, but first we must understand better how we all got to here.

    The Growing Problem of Daycare Property Insurance

    Much like churches, daycares across Texas are facing increasing difficulties in securing commercial property insurance. Recent trends show a sharp rise in annual premiums, making it harder for daycare operators to maintain the necessary coverage and balance their budgets. The reasons for these challenges are multifaceted: Texas's unpredictable weather, including hail, wind, and tornadoes, has led to a surge in insurance claims across the state. Additionally, inflation has driven up the cost of repairs and rebuilding for those claims, putting further strain on insurance companies. These factors along with an increase in liability claims payouts have caused many insurers to either exit the Texas market or significantly raise their cost of coverage.

    A great example is a daycare center in Dallas that experienced severe roof damage after a hailstorm. Despite the claim being paid and it being no fault of the daycare owner, the renewal premium quote their daycare insurance package was nearly double what the center had been paying the year prior. The daycare owner, already struggling to balance the budget, was faced with a tough decision: pay the inflated premiums or risk operating without adequate coverage.

    The Challenge Of Texas Daycare Facility Property Insurance

    Why Some Coverage is Better Than None

    In the current insurance landscape, some Texas daycares may be tempted to forgo property insurance altogether due to skyrocketing costs. However, this approach could be disastrous. Weather events in Texas are not just likely—they’re inevitable. Without daycare insurance policies, a single storm could lead to devastating financial losses that could force a daycare to close its doors permanently.

    If full replacement cost coverage is too expensive for your small business, consider an Actual Cash Value (ACV) policy or a high-deductible plan. Securing a separate policy to help offset the high deductible is much better than having no daycare policy at all. While these policies might not cover the entire cost of rebuilding your daycare building, they do provide a safety net that can help your daycare recover and continue operations. Remember, having some level of protection is far better than having none at all.

    The Importance of Liability Coverage

    Even if property insurance rates become unaffordable, making sure that you have liability coverage should always be a priority. Some daycare owners do not realize that having a separate business insurance policy for liability is possible. Many insurance carriers will allow your daycare to package professional liability insurance, general liability insurance, and abuse and molestation liability coverage into a single daycare liability insurance policy.

    Texas daycares are at risk for various liability issues, including injuries to children, visitors, and employees. Liability insurance can protect your daycare from lawsuits and financial claims, ensuring that an accident doesn’t lead to financial ruin. This is especially important in today’s litigious environment, where lawsuits can arise from even minor incidents. Ensuring that your daycare has at least a basic liability policy is essential for long-term sustainability.

    True Texas Education Insurance - Daycare Programs

    Customized Insurance Solutions for Texas Daycares

    Given the complexities of property and liability insurance, working with an experienced insurance agent is more important than ever. True Texas Daycare insurance is here to create a tailored insurance policy that meets the specific needs of your daycare to provide peace of mind and financial security.

    An experienced, independent insurance agent can help you navigate not only the current challenges, but the future problems that may arise. They will also help you find affordable solutions that still offer the robust protection that your business needs. Whether it’s securing a high-deductible property insurance policy, adding commercial auto liability coverage, or exploring separate business insurance policy insurance options, a customized approach is key to safeguarding your daycare’s future.

    The insurance challenges facing Texas daycares are significant, but with the approach that Insurance For Texans deploys with True Texas Daycare Insurance, they’re manageable. Don’t let rising costs force you into risky decisions—invest in the coverage that will protect your business, your employees, and the children in your care. By securing the right insurance solutions, you can ensure that your daycare remains a safe and welcoming environment for Texas families, regardless of what challenges come your way.

    Click that button below to get started finding your creative solution that meets your daycare business insurance needs today!



    Topics: liability, property, daycares