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Insurance For Texans Blog

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    What Kind of Liability Insurance Does My Texas Daycare Need?

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Jun 21, 2024 3:22:21 PM
    Brad Hancock

    As the summer starts to heat up, Robert is faced with looking at his insurance renewal for his childcare business in Ft Worth. Like many business owners, Robert is faced with a significant hike in his insurance premium. This has prompted him to explore his options for his daycare insurance policy. But as he began to see outrageous annual premiums everywhere he turned, Robert began to wonder if he needed all of the bells and whistles on his broad insurance policy. But with all of the complexities of running a daycare, how could he know which types of coverage he really needs?

    Robert saw many line items underneath daycare liability insurance on his policy declarations. Liability Coverage is a key component of his daycare insurance package. He was now wondering what all of them did and if he could get by with just minimum liability insurance. He suddenly had more questions than answers. That's when he called Insurance For Texans to see if he could get professional advice about his liability insurance coverage. Robert was in luck!

    Understanding the Importance of Liability Insurance for Daycares

    Liability insurance acts as a safeguard for daycare centers, protecting against financial damages that accidents, injuries, or property damage can cause. Imagine a situation where a child gets injured while playing and the parents decide to file a lawsuit. Without proper liability coverage, the financial and legal repercussions could jeopardize the daycare’s future. It’s important for daycare owners like Robert to understand that liability insurance isn’t just a policy—it’s a commitment to the safety and security of their business and the children they care for.

    Types of Liability Insurance for Texas Daycares

    It is easy to understand how commercial property insurance works. You are securing the replacement of both the daycare location and the furnishings and other items that you use to run the child care center. But daycare centers face a variety of risks beyond the loss or destruction of physical property. These risks require specific types of insurance coverage that cover any liability that you may incur if something goes wrong. Here are the five essential types of liability insurance that Robert has to consider.

    General Liability Insurance

    General Liability is the cornerstone of any daycare’s insurance plan, covering incidents like slip-and-fall accidents or property damage to others. You simply cannot operate a daycare facility without it. For Robert’s daycare policy, we recommended a coverage amount of at least $1 million so that he can provide a robust safety net to make sure that a single incident doesn’t lead to financial ruin.

    What Kind of Liability Insurance Does My Texas Daycare Need?

    Professional Liability Insurance

    Daycare businesses like Robert's are entrusted with the care and development of children. This is a big responsibility which comes with unique risks. Professional liability insurance, otherwise known as errors and omissions insurance, covers claims of negligence or inadequate supervision of the children. This daycare insurance coverage protects Robert and his staff against unforeseen lawsuits or claims related to their professional duties during the day. Given the number of interactions on any given day between staff and children, a daycare business owner must carry this coverage.

    Abuse and Molestation Coverage

    Although it’s a difficult topic, having coverage for claims of abuse accusations is vitally important. This type of insurance ensures that Robert’s daycare can respond to allegations of abuse with the necessary legal and financial resources, maintaining the trust and safety of his business. Sexual abuse claims are serious on their own. Trying to defend them without help with representation is digging a hole that you do not need.

    Employment Practices Liability Insurance

    Employment Practices Liability Coverage protects Robert and his business operations against claims related to harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination, and unfair hiring practices from employees or potential employees. In today's litigious society, the simple perception of mistreatment by an employee can start a lawsuit no matter how frivolous it might be. Having a policy with this coverage means that the insurance company will deal with it rather than Robert. As a result, it is an important addition to coverage options for daycares to defend against these employment-related lawsuits.

    Workers' Compensation

    In Texas, workers compensation insurance is considered optional. Robert is not required to purchase this coverage. However, we believe that workers compensation insurance is a must. When you select to include this medical payments coverage for employees, it creates a concrete path for employees to have their medical needs and lost wages taken care of without questions. It covers medical expenses and lost wages due to work-related injuries, ensuring that staff members are protected under all circumstances. And with cold and flu season each winter, it is only a matter of time before you will need these coverage limits in place.

    Other Coverages To Consider

    While these five liability insurance policy types are the most important, there are some other options to consider. It is always good to consider a cyber liability policy for your computer systems. Corporal punishment liability is a first cousin to Abuse and molestation liability coverage. And since many daycares own vehicles used to transport children, commercial auto insurance is a must have for those business owners. An experienced commercial insurance agent that specializes in daycare facilities can help owners like Robert make sure that they have the adequate coverage that they need for their operations.

    True Texas Education Insurance - Daycare Programs

    Tailored Coverage for Texas Daycares

    Each daycare is unique, and so are its insurance needs. Factors such as the size of the facility, the number of children enrolled, and the types of activities offered play a significant role in determining the necessary coverage. By working with our experienced insurance agents, Robert was able to develop a customized insurance plan that fits his specific requirements and budget in Ft Worth. Matching risks to the appropriate insurance providers offering commercial policies for daycare centers in Texas is one the best parts of our job.

    Partnering with True Texas Daycare Insurance

    Insurance for Texans specializes in crafting tailored insurance solutions for Texas daycares just like Robert's. With our expertise, Robert was able to navigate the complexities of liability insurance, making sure that his daycare is protected from the potential risks that are real to his everyday operations. By partnering with Insurance for Texans, Robert secured peace of mind, allowing him to focus on what he does best—providing a safe and nurturing environment for the children in his care.

    Join Robert and many other Texas daycare owners in safeguarding your business with True Texas Daycare Insurance. Discover our process that matches the comprehensive coverage that meets your unique needs. Click the button below to leverage our process of finding the right coverage for your daycare just like Robert.



    Topics: General Liability, professional liability, liability, employment liability insurance, workers comp, True Texas Education Insurance, daycares