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Managing Your Ministry: Human Resources Help for Texas Churches

Written by Kevin Hall | May 22, 2024 8:33:35 PM

Bob's smallish church in East Dallas was in a pickle. They had hired a youth minister about a year ago and didn't bother to run a background check on him. The references he came with were stellar and he was willing to meet them at their budget capabilities on pay. On the surface it looked like a match made in heaven.

As he started his first week with the church, he was going gangbusters in working with the youth. He was reaching out to the neighborhood kids and finding ways to connect and bring them into the church for activities. Bob had mentioned to his pastor that all was going well and that people were noticing the influx of youth in the church services. 

Then a couple of months ago, he didn't show up for work one day. No one knew where he was. He didn't answer his phone. He didn't reply to texts. The emails weren't opened. A couple of days later, he surfaced, but the story didn't really make sense. Something about a phone being dropped in water and not working. It just felt weird. They docked his pay that month, but Bob couldn't let it rest. He decided to do a little more digging into what could have happened.

Bob initially did a quick scan of a Google search and found an arrest record associated with his name. When he began to dig deeper on the arrest record he realized it was for possession with intent to distribute. That meant he was dealing drugs, even if it was just pot. And as Bob began to dig further he realized that wasn't the first time he had been arrested for it. Bob was now upset at himself that they didn't pursue the background check when they were hiring him.

Small churches can find themselves overwhelmed with the complexities of managing HR responsibilities. Limited employees attempting to navigate employment laws, handle payroll, and ensure compliance with regulations is challenging. Bob knows that they need help to manage these HR tasks effectively, but he’s unsure where to turn. The need for reliable HR support for small churches like his is evident. But where can he find the right resources and expertise?

Understanding HR Needs In Texas Churches

Texas churches and other religious organizations face specific Human Resource needs when managing their staff and operations in line with laws and regulations. These needs can be everything from help making employment decisions and drawing up employment contracts, to making sure that they are in compliance with labor laws. Bob now understood why background checks and other verification of conditions as conditions of employment were common in larger churches. Many people can relate to Bob's plight, but it is also important to understand that it doesn't stop there. Fully vetted employees can see future decisions as adverse actions against them creating more administrative costs when looking at how to handle these HR issues. Bob knew he needed to determine a plan.

Overview of HR Responsibilities in Churches

Churches have a variety of HR responsibilities that are critical to their smooth operation. These responsibilities include conducting background checks, providing employee training, and implementing fair hiring practices to name a few. Ongoing administrative duties like payroll, benefits, and tracking performance can also affect the employee relationship and satisfaction of these folks. Staying on top of these tasks can seem mundane and tedious, but ensures that the church remains a safe and welcoming environment for both staff and congregation members.

Unique HR Challenges Faced By Texas Churches

Texas churches and religious institutions face unique challenges in managing employees. Issues such as wrongful termination, discrimination in hiring, and allegations of misconduct or abuse are particularly sensitive. Especially in today's litigious environment. Churches must navigate these challenges carefully rather than put their head in the sand to maintain their integrity and avoid legal complications. This is not just about complex religious views, but also about maintaining great employment relationships and attracting the best talent later.

Liability Issues Faced by Churches

Churches can encounter significant liability issues related to employment situations.  While it's easy to think about civil rights laws, Bob had ignored much more simple to solve issues. Situations that can create liability issues for churches include risks associated with wrongful employment practices, resource constraints, legal compliance, management of volunteers, and conflict resolution. Understanding these liability issues helps churches implement strategies to mitigate risks. A couple of big items that Bob and his church leaders were very interested in were adverse employment actions and charges of discrimination.

Adverse Employment Actions

Adverse employment actions can occur when employees or potential employees are upset over decisions related to hiring, promoting, or firing. This was part of what led Bob to not get that background check. Such actions can arise from disciplinary actions or other tangible employment actions that disrupt the work environment. Managing these situations delicately and legally is essential to maintaining a harmonious workplace and avoiding charges of discrimination or wrongdoing.

Discrimination Complaints

Discrimination complaints can arise in church employment settings, reflecting the broader litigious nature of our society. Churches must be prepared to handle accusations of discrimination whether it is gender or some other denial of accommodation. This makes sure that all employment practices are fair and compliant with legal standards. Having a church HR system in place can help you avoid these types of charges.

Benefits of Proper HR Management in Churches

Implementing effective HR management practices offers many benefits for Texas churches. These practices streamline administrative duties, ensure legal compliance, resolve conflicts, engage employees, and manage talent effectively. For smaller churches, having adequate HR management can attract the best talent and create a positive work environment. While church leaders may not want to pay for it, it can help that religious institutions maintain every advantage in providing the best church services for their members.

Creating a Positive Work Environment

Creating a positive work environment in Texas churches involves addressing the unique motivations of employees and encouraging their success. As the workforce becomes younger and younger, your church should include recognizing individual contributions, fostering a supportive culture, and preventing potential harassment. A positive environment enhances employee satisfaction and productivity which will allow your church to hire the best people and keep them longer.

Steps to Take to Avoid Liability Issues

To avoid liability issues, churches should take proactive steps such as conducting thorough background checks, implementing clear policies, and maintaining detailed records of employment decisions. Lawsuits alleging wrongful employment practices are on the rise, and many ministries are unaware of the legal risks they face. Proactive measures can mitigate these risks. Bob now knew he had to change the standard operating procedures of his church to help keep them on the right track.

Conducting Thorough Background Checks for Employees

Thorough background checks are essential for ensuring that church employees are suitable for their roles. This process involves verifying the employee's history, ensuring they have no disqualifying issues, and maintaining compliance with legal requirements. Many smaller churches don't feel as if they have a great way to conduct these checks or that the operating cost to do so is onerous, Bob would tell you they are worth it.

Implementing Policies & An Employee Handbook

Implementing policies and creating an employee handbook are important for documenting HR practices and providing regular training. This helps establish clear expectations and procedures, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and legal issues. You can always make reasonable accommodations for any employee, but without this needed baseline that documents procedures can land your church in hot water. It only takes a moment for an accusation of sexual misconduct to ruin your church's reputation and bankrupt the coffers.

Getting HR Help

The greater news is that there are various HR help options available for churches. These can include consulting services, HR software, and training programs. But the better news is that some of these consulting services can be leveraged online very inexpensively to help you keep in compliance. Some of these services even allow you to access a call center if you have a specific scenario to discuss. Utilizing these resources can assist with managing human resources, recruitment, and training, ensuring that the church's HR practices are effective and compliant.

Working With Insurance For Texans To Get HR Help

Insurance For Texans specializes in helping Texas churches manage their total cost of risk, including HR issues. By opting for TRUE Texas Church Insurance, churches can access complimentary human resources help as part of their comprehensive insurance solution. Our experienced church insurance specialists are dedicated to providing the necessary risk solutions and HR support for churches of all sizes.

Bob's situation in Dallas highlights the need for accessible and effective HR support for small churches. Click the button below to find the HR support your church needs with TRUE Texas Church Insurance, ensuring that your ministry can thrive with the right guidance and protection.