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True Texas Education Insurance

Are You Struggling To Find Affordable Coverage For Your School?

Did you know that commercial property insurance rates are increasing anywhere between 10% and 25% in 2024? Year over year it seems to go up, but this year it seems to be bigger than ever. When you narrow these increases down to school property in North Texas, this increase can be even more daunting. It's not uncommon for year-over-year rate increases to hit 50% or more. Nevermind that deductibles are growing and it feels like coverage is shrinking.

Texas schools—whether daycares, preschools, Montessori schools, or private schools—have been hammered with cost increases, non-renewals, cancellations, insurance carriers leaving the marketplace, and policy terms changing for the worse. How is a school supposed to navigate this kind of financial storm? You're here to teach children, not figure out a chaotic insurance market.

While Texans everywhere are dealing with inflation, the pinch on schools has begun to make long-standing educational pillars of their communities consider closing their doors. And the insurance costs are at the forefront of this dilemma. Insurance For Texans is working hard to help reverse this trend.

Let us help you protect your educational business with comprehensive insurance solutions tailored to your specific needs. From daycares and preschools to private schools and home school co-ops, we understand the unique challenges you face and are here to support you every step of the way. 

True Texas Education Insurance

Why Work With Insurance For Texans?

Did you know that Insurance For Texans is owned by a former Texas educator and has former teachers amongst its agents?  Ron Wadley and Paul Aguero met while teaching in a Texas high school over 25 years ago. While both of them now focus on helping Texans in different ways, they have helped shape the culture of Insurance For Texans based on their experiences in Texas classrooms. 

True Texas Education Insurance is a system that we have built to help your school or educational organization understand the total cost of risk that your unique circumstances possess. Our goal is to help you understand the financial impact of a claimable event on your budget and how you can transfer that cost to one of the A-rated companies we partner with. This process allows you to see where you might need to increase or decrease your coverage to ensure your school is properly protected.

This unique approach has allowed schools to navigate the problems of the property insurance market with better options when they understand how they can handle the various emergencies that can sink their cash flow. Outside of those pesky hailstorms that rage across our landscape, none of us think that "it" will happen to us. Our goal is to help you understand  where to apply your cash to preserve your future "if" it does happen to you.




Top Education Programs For True Texas Education Insurance

What Do I Need To Know?

When assessing the total cost of risk for your school, your unique operations and activities will determine where you need to focus. For example, a school in a small town like Dalhart in the Panhandle will have very different needs compared to a larger school in Plano. The risks associated with different activities can vary greatly, and this is where our expertise becomes invaluable.

True Texas Education Insurance zeroes in on core areas to protect your educational institution. These areas include Hail Coverage, Water Coverage, Slip & Fall Liability, Professional Liability, and Cyber Liability. If those terms seem overwhelming, don't worry. Our team of experienced insurance professionals is here to guide you through the complexities of each coverage type. Some may not apply to your specific situation, which is why we conduct thorough research as your partner before presenting a proposal. Let's explore how each of these coverages can be relevant to the diverse range of Texas schools and education-related businesses.


True Texas Education Insurance Programs

True Texas Education Insurance - Daycare & Preschool Programs  Daycare & Preschool Programs

Early childhood education programs like daycares and preschools are vitally important for Texas children to get a great start on life. Whether your program is a small in-home daycare, a certified preschool that includes kindergarten, or something in between, Insurance For Texans has an insurance solution that can help you secure your financial future.

Our agents know that each business comes with a unique set of needs and is here to help you get the protection that you deserve. This marketplace can be challenging due to the vast options of how your business is run. But True Texas Education Insurance has flexible programs to make sure that your needs are met. 


True Texas Education Insurance - Montessori Schools  Montessori Schools

 Montessori Schools have a unique niche in our educational system. Especially since many of them start the early childhood education process and work with the kiddos as they move into the grade school years. We also recognize that your unique delivery of education in these formative years is different from traditional schools and needs unique insurance. Let us show you how to get the right coverage for your special place of learning.


True Texas Education Insurance - Private Schools  Private Schools

 Private Schools have exploded in not only the large cities in Texas, but also in the mid-sized towns like Tyler and Waco. Your ability to serve a specific population is dependent upon focusing on serving them well. Insuring your property, tools of the trade, and your professional services is the last thing you need to worry about. Let our agents ask you questions so that we can best determine how you protect your school's financial future so that you can focus on educating the children entrusted to you. 


True Texas Education Insurance - Home School Co-Ops & Programs  Home School Co-Ops & Programs

The beauty of educational freedom in Texas is that you have the choice to do it as you see fit. As the popularity of home schooling has grown over the last 20 years, so have the abilities to share in the stress of providing children a rich and diverse education. Co-Op and sharing programs that allow many families to work together to provide top notch insight and training to children also recognize that there is a need to protect all of you collectively. That need may come from a landlord or it may come from an internal desire, but Insurance For Texans is here to help you find that coverage.


True Texas Education Insurance - Education Related Businesses  Tutoring, Testing Centers, & Education Related Businesses

We recognize that there are many partners in the educational process here in Texas. Tutoring and test preparation has become a big business as we uncover the different learning styles that children possess. There is also a need for administering tests at a central site for various reasons. All of these businesses, along with textbook publishers,  staff development, and other related businesses play a role in helping Texas children learn. True Texas Education Insurance is here to make sure that you can focus on what you do best while we do our best to protect your future success.

True Texas Education Insurance

How To Get True Texas Education Insurance

Our goal is to help Texas schools navigate the chaos that is insurance. Our experience in the classrooms and as business owners helps us understand that your safe haven of learning comes with unique needs and risks. Our goal is to ask you questions so that we can help your school identify their total cost of risk and secure the promise of certainty when headwinds blow. Not all policies and plans are constructed the same, and we want to make sure that your future is protected financially.

As independent insurance agents, we work with many insurance companies across the risk spectrum. But we commit to you to only work with the best companies to make sure that you have protection in your time of need. If you are looking for a risk management partner to help your congregation navigate this complex world of Texas church insurance, we would like to join you in that journey. Having spent time in tiny churches and big ones alike, we know that your needs are unique.

Click that button below to get started with your customized plan today!