When a claim happens on a Burleson home insurance policy, the first thing people wonder is how the claim will be settled. Once that is determined, the next thing is to check to see if the entire claim will be covered or only part of it. A homeowners insurance policy has limits in place for both the dwelling coverage and the personal property coverage. But what you may not realize, is that certain categories of claims can involve what is known as a sub-limit for specific types of coverage. This means that there are additional rules that need to be examined to determine exactly how much of the claim is covered.
Now that you understand how it affects personal property, can it have some sort of similar impact on your home structure? The short answer is yes, on certain things. When you evaluate some of the optional coverage on your Texas home insurance policy, you begin to see sub-limits. Sewer and Drain back-up will have a hard dollar cap that the benefit will pay for, and that is determined when you put the policy in place. Foundation water coverage is one of those items that have sub-limits in more recent years where it used to be up to the dwelling limit. This is why it is important to know and understand what your policy covers!
Ron Wadley is an owner and General Solver of Problems for Insurance For Texans. Ron is a resident of North-East Tarrant County in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. He loves riding his many bikes and watching his Baylor Bears play football and basketball. Send him your insurance questions at ron@insurancefortexans.com.