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Insurance For Texans Blog

All the Insurance Topics a Texan Could Want

    Sound Investment: Secure Your Audio Equipment With The Right Coverage

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Apr 24, 2024 5:47:25 PM
    Most Texans have been through at least one major hail storm while living here. The sirens go off and the noise escalates with the wind, rain, and ...
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    Topics: limits of coverage, property, inland marine, business personal property, Church Insurance

    When Disaster Strikes Your Dental Chair: The Right Coverage Matters

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Dec 27, 2023 10:12:54 AM
    None of us like surprises. I'm sure that you feel appreciated when your dental office staff surprises you with a moment of gratitude for the amazing ...
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    Topics: Business Owner, Dental Insurance, basics of business insurance, business interruption, inland marine, business personal property