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Insurance For Texans Blog

All the Insurance Topics a Texan Could Want

    What Does A Maximum Benefit Mean On A Health Insurance Policy?

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Sep 12, 2023 5:22:25 PM
    As we continue our look at the various Health Plans available to Texans today, it's important to keep in mind the important pieces of the costs of ...
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    Topics: health insurance, ACA, catastrophic health coverage, ACA Alternatives, Obamacare, private health insurance, group health

    Is it Bad To Pay Cash for Healthcare Rather Than Using Health Insurance?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Aug 29, 2023 3:20:42 PM
    As we gear up for the end of the year and navigate open enrollment season health insurance, the team at Insurance for Texans believes it's high time ...
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    Topics: health insurance, ACA, catastrophic health coverage, private health insurance, group health

    How Can I Get A Group Health Plan For My Business?

    Posted by Kevin Hall on Aug 21, 2023 11:19:03 AM
    As the employment market in Texas has continued to tighten for employers and become overly competitive for top talent, smaller businesses that have ...
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    Topics: business coverage, health insurance, employer group policy, employer insurance, private health insurance, group health

    What Can I Do If My Health Insurance At Work Sucks?

    Posted by Ron Wadley on Sep 11, 2019 6:04:58 PM
    After an extensive search, Mary had gotten a new full-time job that started a month ago. She was transitioning from out of state and was looking ...
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    Topics: insurance for texans, health insurance, ACA, Short Term Medical, catastrophic health coverage, ACA Alternatives, supplemental health plans, private health insurance, group health, health insurance portability, employer health insurance