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Insurance For Texans Blog

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    Personal Cars, Professional Duties: Is Your Print Shop's Delivery Insured?

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Nov 10, 2023 5:36:04 PM
    Brad Hancock

    Deep in Central Texas, where the Brazos flows and people keep moving in, lies Michael's Printshop – a cornerstone of the Waco community. Michael, like many Texan entrepreneurs, prides himself on delivering quality service. But recently, a concern surfaced after a fender bender: his employees were using their personal vehicles for deliveries, raising questions about whose insurance coverage is going to cover the incident. This story is all too common among Texas print shop owners, and other business owners really. And it highlights a looming question: Are these deliveries properly insured to protect the business from unexpected losses?

    Cover My Print Shop!

    What Is Covered For Drivers Making Deliveries For Your Print Shop?

    In the bustling world of print shops, timely deliveries are the lifeline of the business. But what happens when an employee, in their personal vehicle, takes on the role of a delivery driver? Here lies the crux of our discussion: understanding the coverage provided by a commercial policy for print shop employees as they deliver the goods to your customers. While general liability insurance is a staple for any business, its coverage for delivery drivers is not as straightforward. There's a blurred line between what is covered under a print shop's general liability insurance and what falls under a personal auto insurance policy. Personal auto policies, often designed for non-commercial use, may not provide coverage for accidents or incidents occurring during business operations. And your general liability often excludes vehicle claims that can be made. This gap in coverage necessitates exploring additional insurance options to ensure comprehensive protection and peace of mind.

    Personal Vehicle Coverage During Work

    Let's delve into the scenario where an employee uses their personal vehicle for business tasks, such as delivering your print shop's products. It's a common practice, especially in smaller businesses or startups. However, this convenience can quickly turn into a liability nightmare. Imagine if, during a delivery, an employee is involved in an accident. Who is liable? What if the employee's personal auto insurance denies the claim due to the vehicle being used for business purposes? What happens if the employee is injured in the crash? These are the potential gaps in coverage that can leave your business exposed to significant financial risks and legal issues that could come from a lawsuit. Understanding these nuances is essential for any print shop owner looking to safeguard their business.

    Personal Cars, Professional Duties: Is Your Print Shop's Delivery Insured?

    Does A Personal Auto Policy Cover An Employee Delivering Finished Product?

    When we dissect the policy of a personal auto insurance, we find that its coverage often excludes business use. This means that if your employee, in their own car, is involved in an accident while delivering prints, the personal auto policy might not provide coverage. This situation can lead to serious financial implications for both the employee and your business. There are scenarios where a personal policy may offer some coverage, but these are typically limited and not designed for regular business use. Your biggest nightmare is an attorney looking for a bodily injury liability payday realizes that you don't have coverage for the accident and sues you instead. 

    Are Employees Covered For Liability While Driving For Work?

    In the realm of business, liability is a word that carries significant weight. When it comes to employees driving for work purposes, understanding the scope of liability coverage becomes imperative. As the employer, your responsibility extends to the actions of your employees during work hours. This includes when they are on the road, making deliveries. Liability coverage plays a vital role in protecting employees from personal responsibility in the event of an accident. However, the extent and nature of this protection vary greatly depending on the specific insurance policies in place. It's important for print shop owners to be well-versed in these details to ensure adequate protection against potential liabilities.

    What Happens If My Employee Is Driving Their Vehicle And Causes An Accident?

    Consider the scenario where an employee, while driving their personal vehicle for work purposes, causes an accident. This situation brings forth a complex web of potential liabilities and insurance concerns. First, there's the question of whether the employee's personal insurance will cover the incident. In many cases, personal auto insurance excludes coverage for business use, potentially leaving your business liable. This liability can extend to lawsuits against your company, especially if the accident results in significant damages or injuries.

    Next we have the question of workers compensation insurance for any injuries that your employee may have incurred. This minor incident can creep into a big problem when you combine this with a lack of proper coverage. Understanding these nuances and preparing for such eventualities is required in managing the risks associated with employees using personal vehicles for business tasks.

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    What If I Have Company Owned Vehicles?

    Now, let's shift gears and consider the situation where your print shop owns vehicles for business purposes. This introduces a different insurance landscape. Commercial car insurance policies, distinct from personal auto policies, are designed specifically for business use. They offer a broader scope of coverage, encompassing liabilities for bodily injuries, property damage, and more. The driving records of your employees play a pivotal role in determining the premiums for these policies. Ensuring your drivers have clean records is not just a matter of safety but also of financial prudence.

    How Does A Commercial Auto Policy Differ From A Personal Auto Policy?

    Diving deeper into the differences between a commercial auto policy and a personal auto insurance policy, we uncover several key distinctions. Commercial auto policies are tailored for the specific needs of businesses including having multiple drivers on the policy. They typically include comprehensive coverage for liabilities related to bodily injuries, property damage, and physical damages to company vehicles. Moreover, these policies offer options like hired auto liability and non-owned auto liability, which are particularly relevant for businesses that involve frequent driving tasks. It's important to note that business auto insurance rates are generally higher than personal auto rates, reflecting the increased risks and coverage extents associated with business operations.

    What Are The Coverage Limits Recommended With Commercial Auto Insurance Policies?

    Determining the appropriate coverage limits for commercial insurance policies is a nuanced process. It involves considering various factors like the size of your business, the nature of your business, and the potential risks involved. These factors collectively inform the decision on the right coverage limits, ensuring that your business is adequately protected against the inherent risks of operating company vehicles. The agents at Insurance For Texans do not consider liability limits below $500,000 for a commercial vehicle policy simply because your risk of a lawsuit is higher as a business. Having more protection reduces your risk of losing your business if an employee has an accident.

    Employee Drivers' Driving Records Can Give You Headaches

    In the world of commercial auto insurance, drivers' driving records are scrutinized meticulously. Insurance companies assess these records when evaluating applications for commercial insurance policies. Clean driving records can lead to more favorable premium rates, while histories of accidents or traffic violations can result in higher premiums. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for print shop owners looking to manage their insurance costs effectively. Remember this when you are hiring new employees!

    How Can My Business Be Covered?

    After navigating the complex terrain of insurance coverage for deliveries, the question remains: how can your business be adequately covered? While purchasing company vehicles might seem like a straightforward solution, it's not always the most practical or cost-effective option. Allowing employees to use their personal vehicles also comes with a set of challenges and risks. This is where solutions like Hired & Non-Owned Auto Coverage become invaluable.

    What Is Hired & Non-Owned Auto Coverage?

    Hired & Non-Owned Auto Coverage is a type of insurance specifically designed for businesses that use personal or rented vehicles for company purposes. This coverage steps in to protect your business in cases of accidents and liabilities involving non-owned vehicles. It serves as a vital safeguard, filling the coverage gaps left by personal auto policies and providing a robust safety net for your business operations. Even if your employee is using their own vehicle for the deliveries. This is can be endorsement for your Business Owner's Policy.

    Consult With An Experienced Commercial Insurance Agent

    Navigating the complexities of commercial auto insurance requires expertise and informed decision-making. Consulting with an experienced commercial insurance agent can make a significant difference. They can assist in reviewing your coverage needs, evaluating different insurance providers, and comparing multiple quotes. This approach ensures that you select the best commercial auto insurance policy tailored to the unique needs of your print shop.

    Benefits of Working With Insurance For Texans

    Working with Insurance For Texans offers a range of benefits. Our independent insurance agents operate with your best interests in mind, offering personalized service and world-class insurance options. Unlike agents tied to a single insurance company, our agents provide unbiased advice and a boutique touch, ensuring you get the coverage that best suits your business needs.

    Don't leave your print shop's delivery coverage to chance. Click the button below to navigate the ins and outs of delivery coverage with TRUE Texas Print Shop Insurance. Secure your business's future with insurance that understands and caters to the unique challenges of Texas print shop owners.


    Cover My Print Shop!

    Topics: auto insurance, Business Owner, Commercial Insurance, basics of business insurance, BOP, print shop, commercial auto insurance