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    Navigating Insurance Non-Renewals for Texas Daycares

    Posted by Brad Hancock on Aug 7, 2024 5:23:03 PM
    Brad Hancock

    The current economy is tough on everyone. Especially business owners. But one thing Robert did not account for when looking at his annual business plan was the insurance company non-renewing his commercial insurance policy for her day care center. As he stared at the notice from his insurance company, he wondered what this fire drill was going to cost him.

    Robert had talked to some other day care center owners around him in Ft Worth, and they all had horror stories of trying to find new coverage. He wasn't sure what he was going to do. He assumed the cost of his day care liability policy would go up, but he was very worried about the monthly premiums for the property since he owns his facility. Rather than sit and worry, he called one of the agents at Insurance For Texans to see what his options were going to be.



    Understanding Non-Renewals in Daycare Insurance

    There are several hot spots in the Texas insurance marketplace where various companies are leaving the state due to losses from claims. Whether you are in Ft Worth close to Robert, or in San Antonio down south, the media has well documented the problems in the homeowners insurance and church insurance marketplace. But what they have skipped over is the similarities that operators of child care centers are facing. 

    Non-renewals in daycare insurance can stem from various factors, such as increased claims, changes in the insurance market, or heightened risks associated with daycare operations. The cost of liability claims has drastically increased over the last few years, and the insurance providers are wanting out. For Robert, understanding these reasons was important to finding a new provider willing to offer comprehensive coverage at a reasonable rate.

    Navigating Insurance Non-Renewals for Texas Daycares

    Key Non-Renewal Reasons

    1. Increased Claims: Frequent claims can signal to insurers that a business is high risk. Daycare centers, by nature, have a higher likelihood of incidents due to the number of children and the types of activities they engage in daily. This reason seems pretty straight forward. On a smaller scale, if Robert's daycare had multiple claims in the past few years, insurers might see it as a pattern of risk and want to not extend terms of coverage in the future.

    2. Market Changes: The insurance market has shifted dramatically in the last two years. Their cost to provide services has skyrocketed not only from inflation, but also from changes in financial markets. The insurance company's ability to stay profitable overall has forced many to change their risk appetite. The downstream effects on a business like Robert's day care facility is multiple companies pulling out of the state and reducing the ability to obtain coverage at what most would consider a reasonable price.

    3. Risk Assessment: Market changes can change risk appetites. This can change how an insurance company perceives risk. This perception change can influence non-renewals. Insurers continually reassess the risk profile of areas and industries. If Ft Worth experienced an increase in reported accidents or incidents within daycares, insurers might decide to mitigate their risk by not renewing certain policies. The same can be true for property claims from hail or other weather disasters. Robert was able to grasp this part of the process.

    Steps to Navigate Non-Renewals

    Now that Robert had a handle on why the day care insurance marketplace in Texas was having problems, he wanted to understand how he could make the process as easy as possible to navigate. The experienced day care insurance agents at Insurance For Texans have a multi-step process to take the headaches out of the process. Since our experts are independent agents who work with many companies that allow them to craft a plan that accounted for Robert's unique needs and risks. They apply the steps across those multiple companies.

    1. Assess Current Coverage: Robert reviewed his existing policy to understand the coverage gaps and why non-renewal occurred. This step involved a thorough analysis of his daycare's insurance needs and the specific reasons cited by his previous insurer for the non-renewal.

    2. Improve Safety Measures: Enhancing safety protocols and implementing risk management strategies made his daycare more attractive to potential insurers. Robert invested in better safety equipment, began conducting regular staff training sessions, and established stricter safety guidelines to reduce the likelihood of incidents.

    3. Prepare Detailed Documentation: Robert's last step was to make sure he had comprehensive records of safety measures, staff training, all policy documents, and previous claims. This helped Robert present a strong case to new insurers and made the job of the agent more efficient. Documentation of proactive measures reassures insurers about the daycare's commitment to safety and risk management.

    True Texas Education Insurance - Daycare & Preschool Programs

    The Importance Of Securing The Right Insurance For Day Care Centers

    Securing the right insurance for daycare centers is vital for several reasons. For Robert, understanding the importance of financial protection against injuries, lawsuits, and accidents in the childcare industry was a game-changer. Proper insurance provides peace of mind, allowing daycare operators like Robert to focus on their primary responsibility—caring for children.

    When selecting an insurance policy, consider the daycare’s unique offerings, activities, and needs. Customizable policies allow choosing coverage options like field trip insurance, special events liability coverage, lost income coverage, and workers' compensation. True Texas Daycare Insurance helps daycares find the best coverage for their specific needs, ensuring comprehensive protection. By ensuring comprehensive coverage, Robert can rest easy knowing that his daycare is protected from potential financial pitfalls.

    Finding the Right Insurance Partner

    Robert’s journey led him to Insurance For Texans, where he found experts dedicated to helping Texas daycares secure the right insurance coverage. By partnering with experienced agents, Robert not only found new insurance but also gained peace of mind knowing his daycare was well protected. Insurance For Texans is the home of True Texas Daycare Insurance and specializes in understanding the unique challenges faced by daycare centers and offers tailored solutions to meet their specific needs.

    Working With Insurance For Texans To Get Coverage

    Insurance For Texans specializes in helping Texas daycares protect themselves with customized insurance plans. Ensuring that policy coverage matches the scope of activities and risks is essential, and an experienced daycare insurance agent can find the right coverage at the best price. True Texas Daycare Insurance, available exclusively at Insurance For Texans, offers tailored solutions to meet the unique risks faced by daycare centers.

    Are you a Texas daycare owner struggling to find the right insurance coverage? Click the button below to discover how Insurance For Texans can help you secure the best rates and comprehensive protection for your daycare.



    Topics: Commercial Insurance, non-renewal, True Texas Education Insurance, daycares