The Insurance for Texans Blog

How Does Location Affect Property Insurance In Texas?

Written by Ron Wadley | Sep 19, 2023 9:34:04 PM

Howdy, y'all! Grab your sweet tea and gather 'round because today, we're diving into a Texan truth that's as big as the Lone Star State itself: location matters. You see, there's an old saying in the real estate world that claims "location is everything," and it's not just about finding that perfect spot for your new Tex-Mex restaurant or what your resale value will be later. Nope, location now greatly affects your insurance too, whether it's for your cozy home or that bustling business you've got down on Main Street.



Now, let's break it down with some Texas-sized wisdom and a touch of humor. Our friend Ron Wadley knows a thing or two about this, so let's mosey on through his insights.

1. Fire Departments and Hydrants:

Picture this: You're sippin' on your morning coffee when, oh no, the toaster goes rogue, and your home's on fire! But hold your horses because you live right smack in the middle of town, next door to a fire department, with a trusty hydrant in your front yard. That means if the worst happens, help's a hop, skip, and a jump away. And guess what? Your homeowners insurance policy premium is gonna be lower than a snake in a wagon rut. Makes sense, right? Quick response equals less damage which is good for insurance rates.

But let's not forget those folks who live a bit farther out, where the deer and the antelope play. If your nearest fire department is a ways off and you don't have a hydrant to call your own, well, your annual premium might start lookin' like a Texas-sized steak – thick and juicy. Insurance companies figure it'll take longer for help to arrive, and that can mean more damage. So, they'll charge you a tad more to cover that extra risk. It's just a part of life out in the open range.

2. The Wild Frontier:

Now, let's head out of town a piece. The further you roam from the city limits, the less likely you are to have a water source handy. And if you're dancin' with wildfires out there, well, your home insurance premium is gonna cost you more beans. It's just simple math. Less access to water plus more wildfire risk equals a bigger average cost even if your coverage limits aren't that big! They reckon it's like tryin' to keep a campfire under control without a bucket of water nearby – it just ain't as easy.

So, while you might have the best view of the Texas sunset, keep in mind that Mother Nature can be a fickle gal and those natural disasters, which seem a whole more frequent as of late can get you. She might bless you with a breathtaking vista one day and send a wildfire your way the next. That's why your insurance company wants a little extra for your homeowners policy when you're out there in the wild frontier.

3. Hail in North Texas:

Now, this one's as new as a newborn calf, but it's spreading across Texas faster than a tumbleweed in a dust storm. You know how if you're beachside, you expect to pay a pretty penny for insurance 'cause hurricanes might drop in for a visit? Well, the same idea's happening up north now as well. In North Texas, we see more hail than a hailstorm at the hail factory. So, insurance companies are wrangling up higher annual premiums and bigger deductibles for homeowners policies up yonder.

You see, when that Texas hailstorm rolls in, it's like Mother Nature declaring a rodeo in your backyard – and your roof's the bull! These hailstones can be as big as your grandma's pecan pies, and they pack a punch. They'll pummel your property and your wallet if you're not careful. So, insurance companies are keepin' a closer eye on those areas and chargin' a bit more for those insurance rates to cover the cost of repairs.

What's A Proper Texan To Do?

Now, folks, the takeaway here is as clear as a Texas sky in Big Bend. When it comes to property insurance in the great state of Texas, location matters. But don't you worry your 10-gallon hat off. There's a sage piece of advice Ron left us with: work with a local independent insurance agent who's got their boots on the ground in the areas you need coverage. They'll know the lay of the land, and these nuances can make all the difference in the world for your insurance claim and insurance costs.

So, if you're a property owner here in the Lone Star State, whether you've got a cozy cabin on the Caprock or a bustling business in the heart of Dallas, partner up with a local independent insurance agent like the folks at Insurance For Texans. They'll understand how your location affects your annual premium costs and claim settlements better than a tumbleweed understands the Texas wind out on the prairie.

Y'all stay safe out there, and may your insurance premiums be as low as the Texas horizon at sunset! Remember, partnerin' with an agent from Insurance For Texans can save you more than just a few Texas-sized bucks. It'll give you peace of mind and keep your pockets from feelin' as empty as a ghost town at high noon when you have to replace that roof after a hailstorm.

And there you have it, folks, the lowdown on why location matters when it comes to insurance in Texas. True Texans can give Insurance For Texans a call at 469.789.0220 or click that button below to work with us!