The Insurance for Texans Blog

Evaluating Texas Short Term Health Plans

Written by Kevin Hall | Jul 25, 2024 2:45:00 PM

Navigating the complex landscape of health insurance in Texas can feel like an overwhelming task. Around every corner there are seemingly endless coverage options for you secure a health insurance plan for your family. But how do you know that the health insurance coverage that you chose won't have gaps in coverage when you need it most? Or maybe you are worried about unexpected out of pocket costs beyond your deductible surprising you.

These are all common complaints. As the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Exchange plans see their list of network providers shrink and out of pocket maximums increase, it is no wonder that Texas families are looking for other health insurance options. In the past few years, the benefits and flexibility that short term health insurance plans can offer has been appealing to many. But the times, they are a changing. And the specifics of Texas short term medical plans are no exception. How can you compare them with ACA plans or other options out there to see if they are the right fit for your individual and family health care needs.

Deciphering Texas Short Term Health Insurance

Short term health insurance in Texas was designed to offer a bridge between long term health insurance policies. Whether you're in between jobs or waiting for employer benefits to start, a short-term plan was your easy way to solve the problem. That is how they were treated for many years after the Affordable Care Act was passed.

When changes occurred in the federal regulations a few years ago, they became an option for Texans seeking a less expensive alternative to ACA plans. The big change allowed for an individual or family to leverage short term health insurance plans for up to three years consecutively. Even though these plans can be customized to cover a period from one month up to a year, being able to keep them for up to three years allowed them to be more than just short-term coverage for Texans looking for health insurance benefit alternatives.

Comparing ACA and Short Term Plans in Texas

When it comes to health insurance, one size certainly does not fit all. ACA plans are known for their comprehensive coverage, including essential health benefits like preventive care, maternity and childbirth care, mental health services, and prescription drug coverage. However, they come with their own set of limitations, such as high deductibles and limited enrollment periods. On the other hand, short term health insurance plans offer more flexibility in terms of coverage. Some of them offered more limited coverage which helped to make more affordable premiums for many Texans.

The savings can come with increase medical costs at times. Often times, since this was viewed as temporary coverage, items like preventive care coverage was not offered as part of the type of health insurance offered. When these diagnostic tests are not part of your medical coverage, the cost becomes an out of pocket expense which can explored. These plans also can exclude preexisting conditions from your plan, if they offer you a short-term heath plan at all.

It is very important to realize this distinction between ACA-Compliant plans compared to short-term insurance plans. These two major "gotchas" can allow you to rack up massive medical expenses in a short period of time that ultimately don't count towards a deductible or out of pocket maximum. You need to have a firm grip on how your medical history plays a part in your choice between the two types of insurance.

The Pros & Cons of Opting for Short Term Health Insurance

One of the most significant advantages of short term health insurance is its flexibility. You can choose the coverage period that best suits your needs, without being locked into a year-long contract. Additionally, these plans can be significantly cheaper than traditional ACA-compliant plans because of that flexibility. That makes them an attractive option for those looking to save on monthly premiums.

The big major drawback to short-term health plans are the pre-existing conditions that we have mentioned. Most companies offering these plans will simply decline to offer you a short-term policy if you do have that pre-existing condition. If that isn't a problem for you, it is also important to note that currently evolving changes in the federal regulations of short-term policies is making them impossible to obtain for a full year of coverage. They are shortening the duration of coverage, and many insurance companies are lowering lifetime limits of coverage available to Texas families.

The Role Of The Independent Health Agents In Your Insurance Journey

Navigating the health insurance market can be daunting, but you don't have to do it alone. Independent health insurance agents offer a wealth of knowledge and experience, providing personalized advice to help you find the best insurance solution for your needs. They can compare different plans, including short term health insurance and ACA options, to ensure you're getting the coverage you need at a price you can afford. These health insurance agents work on your behalf to find those policies rather than pushing a singular "solution".

Identifying the Right Short Term Plan for Your Needs

If you believe that a short-term medical plan is right for you, an independent health insurance agent can help you find the right plan. Finding the right short term health insurance plan requires considering several factors, including the length of coverage you need, your budget, and your healthcare needs. Do you require a plan that covers prescription drugs, or are you primarily concerned with major medical expenses? An independent health agent can help you assess your needs and find a plan that meets them by looking at many insurance providers who offer coverage to folks like you.

Preparing for Future Health Care Needs with Short Term Plans

While short term health insurance can provide immediate coverage and peace of mind, it's also essential to consider your future health care needs. These plans can serve as a stopgap solution while you explore longer-term options, such as enrolling in an ACA plan during the next open enrollment period or securing different types of coverage like catastrophic health plans.

Texas short term health insurance plans offer a flexible and often more affordable alternative to ACA Exchange options. By understanding the benefits, comparing plans, and enlisting the help an agent from Insurance For Texans, you can find a short term insurance solution that meets your needs and prepares you for whatever the future holds. Whether you're in a transition period or simply seeking a more budget-friendly option, short term health insurance is worth considering.

Click the button below to get help evaluating your short term health medical plan options today!